Friedensradfahrrerinnen mit Fahnen fassen sich an den Händen vor riesiger Skulptur der Erde.
Bike for Peace am Denkmal «Erde» in Belarus

Der Skandal:
Die weltweiten

The scandal – the worldwirde expenditures for weapons: For details see the website of the International Peace Bureau (IPB).

Estimated Global Military Spending Since Jan 1, 2010 – $1,213,305,213,712

Estimated costs to provide the following:

Shelter for every human being: $21,000,000,000;

Eliminate ALL Starvation and Malnourishment: $19,000,000,000;

Clean Safe Water for every human being: $10,000,000,000;

Eliminate ALL Nuclear Weapons: $7,000,000,000;

Eliminate ALL Landmines: $4,000,000,000;

Eliminate ALL Illiteracy: $5,000,000,000;

Relief for Refugees everywhere: $5,000,000,000;

Stabilize Human Population Growth: $10,500,000,000;

Prevent Soil Erosion Globally: $24,000,000,000;

Annual Expenditure of the United Nations system: $15,000,000,000

Estimated Cost to reach the Millenium Development Goals: $121,000,000,000

But to see the military spending at this actual moment – Click the COUNTER

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